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legal remedy 法律的制裁。

legal reserve

The article defines well - known trademark , demonstrates domain name ' s concept , nature , characteristics , relations between domain name and trademark , analyzes cyber squatting being indefinite by the way of jurisprudence and economics , discusses legal employment and legal remedy by the example of “ dupont “ case and points out several appropriate plan to the problem at last 本文從馳名商標的界定入手,論述了域名的含義、性質、特征,域名與商標之間的關系,從法理學和經濟學兩個角度分析了搶注行為的非正當性,結合杜邦案對這一問題的法律適用和法律救濟進行了較為深入的探討,最后提出了解決這一問題的若干對策。

On the basis of the trial of the first case about commercial reputation infringement and from two aspects of theory and judicial practice , the article discusses in detail the concept of commercial reputation , elements of constitution and its liability principles of infringement , as well as its recovery by legal remedies 本文以北京市高院首例商譽侵權糾紛案件為素材,從理論和司法實踐兩方面就商譽的法律概念和特征、商譽侵權的構成要件、歸責原則和商譽侵權民事責任的確定進行了探討。

The complete system of personality right legal remedy is a system that includes civil law remedy , criminal law remedy and administrative law remedy . i argue that a complete civil law remedy of personality right should contains the remedy of claim of personality right , remedy of tort and other related remedies 本文分析了人格權請求權的特征和性質,并且明確了人格權請求權的定位,即人格權請求權是實現人格權自我救濟的手段,人格權請求權以回復人格權的圓滿狀態為唯一目的。

Red - dots may reject or remove any user s material or conversations that are illegal , indecent , obscene or offensive , or that violates the terms of this agreement in any way or request the user to make suitable amendments in order to comply with the terms herein , and red - dots reserves all the right to claim damages and or apply for other legal remedies in relation thereto 點點紅可拒絕或刪除任何非法下流猥褻或冒犯性或違反此合約的條款的資料或對話,或要求該用戶按本合約之條款作適當的更改,并保留索取損害賠償及或采取其他法律行動之權利。

Legal remedy to a third party in administration can be granted through establishing and improving administrative procedures on one hand , and empowering them to apply for administrative review and administrative litigation and to claim administrative damages or compensations on the other hand 對行政第三人的事前救濟,就是通過通知、聽證、回避、說明理由等行政程序制度來保護其權利;事后救濟則包括申請行政復議、提起行政訴訟以及要求行政賠償或行政補償。

After illustrating the necessity of legal regulation of city land utilization in view of its existing problems , analyzes the malfunctions of market regulation and government intervention , as well as its legal remedy resort , which further proves the necessity of legal regulation 首先,針對我國城市土地利用存在的問題解析其法律規制的必要性。隨后剖析了城市土地利用市場調節和政府干預的失靈及其法律救濟,進一步論證了法律規制的必要性。

4 in the event that the recipient is required to disclose confidential information and material by law , regulation , rule or any governmental order , and the recipient shall provide phoenix with immediate written notice so that phoenix will have the opportunity to seek appropriate legal remedies 4乙方被法律,法規,規章或任何政府命令要求披露保密資訊和資料,但乙方應立即向甲方提供書面通知,使甲方將有機會尋求合適的法律救濟。

The company may notify any future or prospective employer or third party of the existence of this agreement , and shall be entitled to full injunctive relief , and any other legal remedies available for any breach 公司可以通知我任一將來或預期的老板或第三者,有關此同意書的存在,和公司若遇任何可能的破壞合約同意書行為,可以申請法院強制執行或其它采取法律救濟措施。

In the final part , the article dealt with the realization of the public employment legal status of teachers , providing some legislative and judicatory suggestions about the procedural protection and legal remedies of teachers “ rights 最后,文章探討了教師公職身份的實現問題,從程序保障和法律救濟方面提出了一些立法和司法建議。

Finally , the legal remedies used by those who are not accepted the punishment are expounded , including the appeal and judicial review . some constructive proposals are also made in the last part of the article 最后,詳細分析了不服紀律處分可以尋求的法律救濟途徑,包括學生申訴制度和司法審查制度,并對其制度構建提出的了若干建議。

Spammers who respond , moreover , make themselves more easily traceable for people seeking legal remedies against them . the problem with whitelist verification filters is the extra burden they place on legitimate senders 而且,如果垃圾郵件發送者響應了質詢,那么就會使那些尋求合法地抵御垃圾郵件的人們可以更容易地跟蹤到他們。

Still , weprobe into legal remedy in case of the counterpart ' s discontentment with socialcompensation fee : administrative review , administrative litigation andadministrative compensation 最后,對于公民不服社會撫養費征收所涉及的行政復議、行政訴訟和行政賠償等法律救濟問題作了相應的探討。

Discussion on some problems of legal remedies for personal injury at sea in china 試析我國海上人身傷亡損害法律救濟有關問題

The development of legal remedies theory of l c fraud and relative comment 信用證欺詐法律救濟的理論發展過程及其評述

Research into the legal remedies of the litigation rights of the civil parties 民事訴訟當事人訴訟權利的法律救濟

The wto member ' s legal remedy system of international trade under wto regime 體制下國際貿易法律救濟制度芻議

Legal remedy for abuses of power 對濫用職權的法律補救

Research on the legal remedy system of university students 高校學生法律救濟制度探討

On the legal remedy of the right of villager autonomy 論村民自治權的法律救濟